Beat the Streets Clinic featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer
BTSPhilly   |   Mar 13, 2011

Beat the Streets Philadelphia sponsored a youth clinic at the Shops at Liberty Place in Center City Philadelphia on Thursday March 11, 2011. The clinic was run by Current University of Pennsylvania Assistant Coach and 2x NCAA Division I Champion Matt Valenti. Kids from Wissahickon Charter School were in attendance for the event. The event would not have been possible without the support of the Philadelphia Sports Congress which is part of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau. The event was held as a way to promote our efforts throughout the city as well as the activities surround the upcoming NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships which are being hosted in Philadelphia this year.
Check out the article by going to the following link:
Young Grapplers Get Lessons in Life
Beat the Streets Wrestling Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that uses the sport of wrestling to provide a safe and nurturing environment for student-athletes throughout inner city Philadelphia, Camden and the surrounding region. It is only through the support of our generous donors that we are able to continue creating opportunities for youth throughout the area. Please consider making a tax deductible donation by going to the following link:
BTS Donation