I am thankful for my loving mom. She helps me overcome challenges in my life. In seventh grade, when I was failing multiple classes, she helped me stay out of trouble and improve my grades. In seventh and eighth grade, she would sit with me down every night and help with my homework until it was completed. My mom is my backbone and holds me up when I’m ready to quit. When I was ready to quit wrestling several years ago, she was the one who had my back and told me to stick to what I believe in and tough it out rather than give up.
She is the person that constantly tells me the truth and will always steer me in the right direction when she feels like I am messing up. My mom will come to my rescue when I need her to. She will push me to my limits and beyond. I am not scared to talk to her about any issue I am having with the wrestling season or school and just about life. Therefore, I will always respect her. When I graduate college, I will get a good job and show her the world and give her what she deserves. My mom is a strong woman and I will always love and treasure her. Every time I think about my mom, I realize that I have a lot to be thankful for.