BTS Philly partners with WIBN-Princeton and The Bethea Family to Sponsor Youth Wrestling in Trenton
BTSPhilly   |   Oct 16, 2015

We are proud to announce that with the help of the Bethea family, and Wrestlers In Business - Princeton chapter, Beat the Streets Philadelphia will establish a youth wrestling program in Trenton NJ.
The Bethea family is born, raised, and thriving in Trenton NJ. It has been their dream to give other students the opportunities that they had. Our vision is to change the life trajectory of inner city youth. Together we plan to bring enrichment and opportunities to youth that face extremely tough circumstances.
Our organization reaches out to inner city students that could benefit from the right support system. The graduation rate at Trenton High is notorious for being one of the lowest in the state of Nj. Over the last few years the Trenton High graduation rate has increased from slightly below to slightly above 50%. This is a sign that despite the lack of resources our students and leaders in the city are striving to increase their level of education. We want to join that fight.
With the mentoring and tutoring support that our organization provides and the expertise of Gloria Bethea, who homeschooled five of Children to attending an Ivy League school, we are confident that the graduation rate will rise.
Here is how it works.
Through fund raisers and generous donations we raise enough money to provide, wrestling instruction, mentoring, and tutoring at no cost to the youth. We provide wrestling mats, workout gear, traveling expenses, coaches, tutors, and test prep books.
We currently have approval from the Trenton board of education to begin at Joyce Kilmer Elementary school and Dunn Middle school.
To kick off this innovative we are partnering with Wrestlers In Business - Princeton Chapter to host a wrestling Clinic by 4X NCAA champion Logan Stieber on Sunday 10/18. The All Star match will begin at 1pm. The first one hundred wrestlers will be allowed to participate on the mat. All other guest will be asked to watch from the Bleachers.
Following the Clinic there will be an all-star Match, featuring some of the best wrestlers in the area competing against current Beat the Streets Philadelphia wrestlers. Tickets for the All-Star match and clinic cost three dollars for students and five dollars for adults.
Immediately following the All-Star match will be a Princeton Wrestlers In Business Meeting. The meeting will feature a speech by NCAA champion Coach of Ohio State, Tom Ryan and the Trenton’s Mayor Eric Jackson. Tickets for the meeting cost fifty dollars for Wrestlers In Business - Princeton chapter members and one hundred dollars for non-members. The clinic, all-star match, and Wrestlers In Business meeting will take place at Joyce Kilmer Elementary School 1300 Stuyvesant Ave. Trenton NJ on October 18th.
Several newspapers have written articles about this expansion effort and you can find direct links to those articles below: Bethea Family Looking to Help Youth of Tenton Through Wrestling
The Trentonian- Bethea Family Launches Youth Wrestling Program in City
For more information about the programs in Trenton please contact Canaan Bethea( or Chris Hanlon( This effort, as is the case with all of our programs, are only made possible through the generosity of our donors. If you are interested in supporting this or any of our programs please go to All donations notated for Trenton will be used specifically for all programs within Trenton.